How to copy files using SCP on Cisco Nexus OS

Hi Guys

Just a quick follow up to one of my favorite blog posts regarding how to copy files using SCP onto Cisco, this can also be done on the Nexus OS,

Super quickly you might want to check out the following blog post for a quick review on how to copy using SCP:

To enable this exact same functionality on a Nexus:

Nexus(config)#feature scp-server

Done! You can now copy using SCP :)

I hope this helps someone out there


  1. Is there certain images that support SCP by default? I know with Junos you need to have the local version for SSH/SCP.

    I tried adding the SCP configuration but the option was not available also SCP was not included in features available.

    By the way I enjoyed listening to the Packet Pushers Podcast about the Nexus series you were in. :)

  2. I have enabled feature scp-Server and its working. I have searched everywhere but can't find how to get the startup-config. On any other box it would be in nvram:startup-config, and you can configure the tftp-server root with tftp-server nvram:

  3. and:

    #feature ssh

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Also can need shell tweaking if running winscp and getting the "your shell is probably incompatible" error, along the lines of "Edit->Advanced->SC/Shell and set Shell to "run guestshell sudo su"


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