How to tell what dial-peers are being matched on an ALREADY ACTIVE call

Hey Guys!

Working out what dial-peers got matched after a call has already begun sometimes seems like a bit of a mystery. For me at least I could never quite work it out. I ran across this command and thought I would share:

maui-gwy-06#show call active voice brief

!--- This information was captured once the call was placed and active.
!--- Notice that in this case, default VoIP(keyword IP) dial-peer 0 was 
!--- matched inbound.
Total call-legs: 2
87   : 257583579hs.1 +105 pid:0 Answer  active
In the example above, Dial-peer:0 was matched for the incoming since it showed Originate,  answer will show for incoming

Here's an example of a complete call:


0    : 1008757 10:18:47.997 CST Fri Aug 14 2015.1 +2630 pid:9999 Originate 15552226550 connected
 dur 00:17:21 tx:52067/8327756 rx:52050/8328000
 IP 216.200.200.XXX:19296 SRTP: off rtt:0ms pl:0/0ms lost:0/0/0 delay:0/0/0ms g711ulaw TextRelay: off
 media inactive detected:n media contrl rcvd:n/a timestamp:n/a
 long duration call detected:n long duration call duration:n/a timestamp:n/a

0    : 1008795 10:30:13.867 CST Fri Aug 14 2015.1 +11460 pid:99 Answer 5555921332 active
 dur 00:05:46 tx:17311/2769760 rx:17313/2770080
 IP SRTP: off rtt:0ms pl:0/0ms lost:0/0/0 delay:0/0/0ms g711ulaw TextRelay: off
 media inactive detected:n media contrl rcvd:n/a timestamp:n/a
 long duration call detected:n long duration call duration:n/a timestamp:n/a
The important sections are in bold, pid:XXXX (where XXX is the dial-peer) the keyword answer or originate (depending on
if this is the incoming dial-peer or outbound dialpeeer) and then the number that has been rung.

I hope this helps!

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