Something I only just discovered today...

Wow, while taking a Lab I discovered something that I never ever knew and always took for granted that the way I thought it worked is how it works.


on our dial-peers I think if your reading this blog you know what it does :). If your someone like me you might use it to match incoming calls based on the session target, and that can REALLY screw you, take this as an example:

dial-peer voice 1003 voip
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number .T
codec g711ulaw
dial-peer voice 1004 voip
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number .T
codec g729br8

SO what I am saying there is any call coming in from use G711ulaw and any call from use G729, that's what I am trying to do there, easy right? Well.. nope, you can't actually do that believe it or not. In my example above the first dial-peer would ALWAYS be matched and hence even when it had an incoming call would try and use g.711 instead of g.729

Extremely confusing for me, and I thought being able to use the session target like that is fairly reasonable, I mean after all, the above config DOES work if you replaced session target with two seperate ports for example (although okay you couldn't specify a codec but lets say you applied digit manipulation on one but not the other or something smart ass :P)

Here it is straight from the Cisco horses mouth:

"Assume the incoming called number (DNIS) is "81690". Dial peer 2 is matched.
dial-peer voice 1 pots
incoming called-number 8....
dial-peer voice 2 pots
incoming called-number 816..
Note: For inbound dial peers, the session target command is ignored."

I hope this helps someone out there as it had me banging my head for a while!


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